Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Blog # 6

The Southern Regional Educational Board website is a fantastic resource for teachers! The SREB provides reliable and current information for teachers of grades K-12. The SREB provides one point of access for multiple sites dealing with all kinds of topics. The, “EvaluTech,” section contains an Evaluation Review Criteria page that features links to lesson plans and other useful resources. Lesson plans on all topics can be found here including: math, language arts, social studies, science and more. Not only are lesson plan links found here, but so are enrichment activity ideas and digital libraries! EvaluTech has reviewed and evaluated these sources ensuring that the information is of high quality. The EvaluTech tab also contains a section dealing with technology for students with disabilities. This section provides teachers with information about the latest technology that can make technology available even for students with disabilities. EvaluTech also evaluates the latest ‘E-learning software’ by certain companies. This information takes the guesswork out of picking software for your classroom. If a specific software program is recommended by EvaluTech, teachers can feel confident that it is a good program to use. This section also provides examples of programs that are appropriate to use at certain grade levels and in certain subject areas. In the, “Challenge to Lead,” section of the site, teachers can look to see how their state is doing with regard to educational progress. This is a good idea in order to keep state educational progress streamlined. All in all, I think SREB is a great resource for teachers who want to make a difference.


tharo said...

Hi Noelle! I thought this was a great website for teachers because of the resources it provided. I liked the idea of evaluating software which is something I hadn't thought about doing before. I also liked the fact that the links it provided are very useful for us future teachers.

Angela's Educational Blog said...

I definitely believe that this is a great website for teachers who want to make a difference and care. I absolutely love that they have evalutions for various classroom tools. Like you said this takes the guess work out of choosing tools for the classroom. As a student I am sometimes nervous presenting or using various sources since it is difficult to determine what is valuable and what is not sometimes. This is a great tool that will save teachers a lot of guess work and wasted time evaluating tools that have already had a stamp of approval for success!

Danielle Allen said...

Hi Noelle, I agree with you that this was a great website. There was so much there that it would take a long time to cover! I also really like the idea that this website evaluates classroom lessons, tools, etc. It is easy to acesess effective resources without having to deal with lousy ones.

megs1883 said...

I definately agree that this website provided multiple amounts of great information for teachers. It truly comes across as a trustworthy source of information for teachers to use.

CAyakgirl said...

Hi Noelle,
Yes, evalutech does a great job of filtering web sites with bogus tutorials for money. I unfortunately recently found a CSET tutorial which really wasn't worth the money. There is the need for evalutech. I'm glad that I know about it now.